Valencia 2026 – Gay Games

Valencia 2026 – Gay Games
27. Juni 2026 - 5. Juli 2026

We are excited to welcome you to València, Spain, for Gay Games XII on 27 June to 5 July 2026
We are incredibly excited to invite you all to València, Spain in the summer of 2026 to enjoy our next Gay Games event.
Whilst preparations are still underway for the event, a few things are already confirmed – that València is an excellent choice for you to visit and enjoy the Gay Games. València is located in Spain – which boasts some of the most progressive human rights law, especially for LGBTQ+ people, in the world – and sits incredible well connected in southern Europe.
The city is small enough to be walkable, with all major venues close to each other. This medieval city offers incredible architecture, culture and nightlife, as well as an array of sports venues and locations for us to host our activities.